How to Take a Screenshot on ASUS Laptop
Screenshot is an action that allows you to capture, save, and share what's displayed on your screen. Through this action, users can gain many benefits.
For example, in education, you can capture PowerPoint slides while your lecturer or teacher is presenting online. In entertainment, you can capture a movie scene that is funny, sad, or even express a heartfelt moment.
So, how can we take a screenshot on a laptop, particularly on an ASUS brand? Don’t worry, in this article, Carisinyal will guide you through the steps to capture your screen on an ASUS laptop. Let’s dive in and explore the details below!
Using Prt Sc Button
This first method is very easy and quick to do for any ASUS laptop owner. The key is that your ASUS laptop’s keyboard must have the Prt Sc or Print Screen button. To satisfy your curiosity, let’s dive into the steps below:
1. Press the Prt Sc button

The first step is to turn on your ASUS laptop and open the content you want to screenshot. Then, press the Prt Sc button. This will automatically copy the content on the screen.
On some laptops, simply pressing the Prt Sc key may not be enough. In such cases, you might need to press the key combination Ctrl + Prt Sc or Fn + Prt Sc. So, try each combination to see which one works on your laptop.
2. Paste in Paint application

In the next step, open an application like Paint, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, or any other program where you want to paste the screenshot.
In this example, Carisinyal will use the built-in Windows application called Paint. To find it, simply type Paint in the Windows search field.
Once the Paint application opens, press CTRL + V simultaneously. Within seconds, the screenshot will appear. You can then make edits to the image, such as resizing, adding text, and more.
3. Save Screenshot
Finally, save your screenshot by pressing CTRL + S. Choose the desired format, such as PNG or JPG, and select the location where you want to save the file. So simple, right?
Using Snipping Tool App
If the method above doesn't work for taking a screenshot, you can use a built-in Windows application called Snipping Tool. This method is just as easy to follow. Let’s take a look at the steps below:
1. Open the Snipping Tool app

First, open the Snipping Tool application by searching for it in the Windows search bar.
2. Select the Screenshot Mode

In the Snipping Tool window, you’ll find several screenshot modes: New, Mode, Delay, Cancel, and Options.
Under the Mode menu, you will have several options: Free-form Snip, Rectangular Snip, Window Snip, and Full Screen Snip. Choose one of them, such as Rectangular Snip, which allows you to capture content in a rectangular shape.
3. Take Screenshot

To take a screenshot, click the New button. Then, select the area of the screen you want to capture. To save the screenshot, simply press CTRL + S on your ASUS laptop keyboard at the same time.
Using Lightshot App
In addition to the methods above, you can also take screenshots using a third-party application called Lightshot. One of the advantages of Lightshot is its ability to directly upload screenshots to the internet.
Moreover, this application can be installed on both Windows and Mac OS devices. This time, Carisinyal will show you how to take a screenshot on an ASUS laptop using the Lightshot app. Here are the full steps:
1. Download and Install Lightshot App

If your ASUS laptop doesn't have Lightshot installed yet, first download and install the application from here. Once the installation is complete, choose the content or screen area you want to screenshot.
2. Open Lightshot App

Next, open the Lightshot application, which can be found in the bottom-right corner of your ASUS laptop screen. The icon looks like a purple feather.
Once you open it, your screen will automatically turn gray, indicating that you can now take a screenshot of the content on your screen.
3. Take Screenshot

Next, select the area of the screen you want to capture. You can also edit the screenshot using the available features, such as adding text, drawing boxes, adding arrows, and more.
Finally, save the screenshot to a folder on your ASUS laptop, making sure to choose the file format (PNG, JPEG, or BMP) before saving.
You can use the Lightshot app anytime as long as it's installed on your ASUS laptop. Pretty easy, right?
Those are the methods you can use to take screenshots on an ASUS laptop. Which method do you think is the easiest for capturing a screenshot? Or do you have another way to take screenshots on your ASUS laptop?